Aug 26, 2022 | Marketing, Technology
If you are like most people, you’ve become numb to the overwhelming influx of spam and telemarketer robocalls coming to your smart phone. Just think of your own behavior — how often do you pick up an incoming phone call versus letting most calls go to voicemail? The inherent problem with call tracking software and dynamic Caller ID is that it isn’t always a good choice for your brand. Learn more about dynamic caller ID in this revealing post.
Jul 8, 2022 | Featured, Insurance, Risk Management
When creating an estate plan, entrepreneurs generally look to ensure their heirs and beneficiaries receive assets in a way that effectively manages and minimizes estate taxes, gift taxes, and other potential tax and administrative costs. This can be pretty tricky, depending upon the components of the estate, their value, ownership structure, and even the state where the assets, and the entrepreneur, are located. Learn more about estate planning and affordable alternatives.
Jun 24, 2022 | Business, Featured, Innovation
The media has tended to focus on the benefits of flexible work models as they relate to employees, but what’s becoming more apparent as we progress into the third year of the pandemic is that remote, hybrid, and hub-and-spoke work models can have genuine benefits for employers as well.
May 24, 2022 | Finance, Insurance, Risk Management
Key-person disability insurance can offer an intelligent and economical solution to avoiding economic disaster. If done correctly, not only is the economic risk transferred to a third party, but the transfer takes place for pennies on the dollar.
May 13, 2022 | Featured, Technology
In the last 20 years, a fair amount has been said about “big data” and how to approach it; however, what to honestly do with it and how to make it actionable is somewhat unclear. It follows a high-level – and transparent – roadmap on treating your data and making it work for you. There are five stages in turning data into actions…