Having recently received a random email from Cindy F. about the Loyalty Alliance, I was intrigued by the nature of the Achieve Beyond e-news. I found it incredibly refreshing to see a unique blogging consortium characterized by terms such as motivation, positive action and influence, and the encouragement of empowerment and entrepreneurship. I am a novice, neither personally blogging nor following bloggers regularly. However, along with the pandemic onslaught, I found it essential to communicate with my patients and families to assist them in staying informed of the latest related science and recommendations. As a pediatrician, much of my contact time with the children and families I care for seems to be spent on education and positive reinforcement. My letter blogs to my families and patients on the practice’s website and Facebook page took on essential and valuable means of communicating in ways I never expected. Over the past 2 ½ years, my letters have not always been focused and living with COVID. Still, I have tried to remind parents of the importance of childhood and such traditional concerns as the value of families, holidays, role models, and simple love, caring, and sincerity.
Up until very recently, I have seen polarization in society that has been associated with anger, judgment, and distrust. Whereas the response and the selfless efforts of our scientific and healthcare community to the worldwide pandemic have been unprecedented, it has also suffered from unfounded criticism and suspicions of conspiracies. Most of those who have endeavored to care for others understand and embrace the power of doing good and have persevered despite personal risk and hardship as we exit this pandemic period; we do so with tremendous innovations and improvements in public health and medical innovations.
We now must deal with the newest threat to our collective society: the Ukraine crisis and the resultant pain and suffering, not from a novel coronavirus but from the strife endured by innocent people who collectively only wish for the sanctity of their homes and families. Already we are witnessing the support and empathy of our world community and recognizing the power of collective goodness. Perhaps our experiential transition from a worldwide pandemic to a brutalized nation will awaken a renewed spirit of caring, trust, and humanness that can heal any wound or affliction.
Through my novice blogging, I hope that I will be able to share my love of medicine and the humble honor I have in caring for children. Through the reflections of my experiences, I will also try to engender a sense of wonder and interest in those who might consider a career in healthcare. Thank you for allowing me to share myself with you.
- A Physician’s Thoughts on the Benefits of Isolationism - November 18, 2022
- A Pediatrician’s Day: Reflecting on Emotional Challenges - April 21, 2022
- On The Power of Doing Good - March 17, 2022