James Staton Jr.

I introduce myself as

The son of sharecroppers.

I was born, raised, and educated in the city of Duquesne which is about 20 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am one of nine children, the son of sharecroppers.

My parents were from North Carolina. My father moved to Pittsburgh where he found work as a steelworker. They provided a lovely, loving environment that fostered a belief in us that we could accomplish our goals and dreams in life.

My parents are the most successful people that I’ve ever met in life and they accomplish all of their goals and dreams despite the harsh economic environment that prevents them from creating wealth for their families. In this hostile environment that maintained a constant assault upon their dignity as human beings, they carried themselves in a dignified manner that elevated their existence and set an example for their children.

Be the best in anything that you choose to do. Always expect excellence from yourself. Never accept anything less than excellence from yourself.

They taught us how to succeed despite the obstacles.

I worked for 23 years for other people, in industries like automotive, steel, construction, printing manufacturing, telecommunications and material handling.

In 1990 I purchased a controlling interest in a small typewriter repair business named Debriants Office Services Inc. and built it into an award winning organization multi million dollar business..

We provided single source equipment repairs for our nation’s largest banks such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, regional and local banks, hospitals, colleges municipalities, airports, universities covering eight states and we had a total of eight direct and 70 indirect employees.

I was downsized ,right sized , re-organized and fired from several jobs despite being a top performer.

I was a widower at age 36. I lost my wife and my children’s mother at the age of 35 to a cancerous brain tumor after having won a battle of breast cancer for five years.

Our children were 12 and 14 at the time.



I remarried and have successfully been together for 35 years and my wife is my children’s best friend. They like her more than they like me.

People usually know I place a Premium on.

[High Integrity]

I won’t lie for you and I won’t lie to you, therefore I am trustworthy, dependable, predictable and accountable.

My Yes is Yes and My No is No.

Know hat sets you apart from others.



5/5 Program

I plan my life in five (5) year increments.

I have a written mission statement for my life.

I have a written mission plan.

A dream or goal without a written plan is just a wish.

My definition:  the (progressive realization) of a worthwhile goal

Plan your work, work your plan.

Having  determined where I want to be five years out.

Anything or anyone that is NOT taking me towards my goal does not receive any of my time.

Any activities that are not taking me towards my goals or dreams are not indulged.

I review and measure the progress annually, quarterly, monthly, daily.

What gets measured gets done.

I perform a SWOT analysis.





Focusing on weaknesses, this analysis allows me to determine strategies to turn the weaknesses into strengths opportunities are  revealed.

I determine what action needs to be taken to close the gap. (Gap Analysis)

This process helps me identify threats and pivot to avoid them.

Consistency and persistence is paramount for sustainable success.

I segment my life in five (5) areas





Sexual – Fidelity- Discipline- Marriage- Family- Generational

Growing our Network thru Solution Sumits.

Top Flight Foundation develops, educates, empowers, nurtures and vets businesses who in turn empower other businesses and their communities facilitating excellence and community prosperity.

Top Flight Foundation will be regarded as the preeminent authority and resource for the development of world class socially-responsible and culturally-relevant communities.

The current economic situation helps our business as the diverse community has not been able to speak to the return on investment to the corporate world.


We validate established multicultural businesses that are able to define their value proposition, then execute the plan to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve efficiencies for their corporate clients.

Reaching the $2 million milestone provides the foundation for which we can build companies to tens, hundreds of millions of dollars, if not beyond.

This juggernaut in turn provides a sustainable pipeline of vendors that the corporations can rely on.



It also provides jobs that stabilize communities, creating wealth for the owners of the business which will create more jobs, which in turn provides more customers for the corporations, who provide shareholder dividends, while everyone pays taxes, which provides the services for healthy communities.

Everybody wins!

One of our key goals is to grow 50,000 minority owned small businesses to million dollar corporations with little to no debt

There has always been a black middle class in this country.

There were even millionaires in the deep South at the height of slavery. They were entrepreneurs.

They self-financed; they did business with each other; they passed along knowledge to each other; they shared successes with each other.

They mentored the next generation beginning with their family and then others of like mind to ensure they had a pipeline of talent to carry on the family business.

They created wealth, generational wealth, which gave them freedom.

They taught their children the rules of capitalism so that they got to the point that money worked for them instead of them working for the money.

Economic power made them truly independent as they were shut out of the mainstream.

In A capitalistic system you must have capital in order to have a seat at the table.

Those who sit at the table make the rules that the rest of us have to live by.

Our focus is  on Solutions :

Our objective is teach people how to make money.

How to keep your money.

How to make your money work for you instead of you working for the money.

How pass money to the next generation

How to create, maintain and sustain generational wealth.

Protect your Health.

Nothing is more valuable than your health without it, everything else is vanity.

Balance is required, moderation is preferred and discipline allows you to be the best version of you to maintain and allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I live by the principles of love of God first and love of neighbor second our closest neighbors are our family.

Family is the foundation cornerstone of civilization; without it we cease to exist.

The greatest joy in life is bringing new life into the world with the plan for their success  Creating, molding that life into productive law-abiding citizens is one of the greatest accomplishments that any human being can attain

There truly is more happiness in giving than receiving.

Being a dream builder has a reward that no money can’t provide.

Obtaining your dreams and goals by helping others attain their dreams and goals provides  an environment that enriches all participants.

Enjoying the success of others allows achievement of true success and a life well lived.


Social media handles and website links.



