Apr 18, 2020 | Fun and Inspiration, Nature
Here’s a unique resource sent to us by one of you! The New Your Botanical Garden has created a video collection of some of their best Spring blooms and tours. As they put it “See Spring Bloom.” We hope you enjoy it as much as we did 🙂...
Apr 17, 2020 | Activities for Kids, Classes and Education
Look at what we found! Kiva U sounds like a terrific home schooling resource while the kids are out of school, and for now it’s free! Here is what Kiva has to say about their offering. “For all the parents out there, we know it’s difficult to try and be...
Apr 12, 2020 | Activities for Kids
It’s becoming easier and easier to experience Disney magic from your home. On Monday, the entertainment giant released a new website called Disney Magic Moments. The site is free to use, and offers Disney-themed activities that both children and adults can...
Apr 10, 2020 | Activities for Kids
Apple today has released a new “30 Creative Activities for Kids” worksheet designed specifically for those learning from home due to COVID-19. The worksheet includes 30 creative tasks for kids, ranging from photo walks to creating a comic strip and more. Check it out!...