Apr 25, 2020 | Activities for Kids, Fun and Inspiration, Museums, Virtual Travel
CNN has compiled twenty virtual tours of museums, zoos, aquariums – even Mars! We’re sure you’ll get lost in these as we have 🙂 Enjoy! Find them all on CNN’s website...
Apr 24, 2020 | Fun and Inspiration, Museums
Leave it to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to brighten our day. This time, with beautiful virtual backgrounds to use in Zoom or Microsoft Teams meetings we’re having! From a Frank Lloyd Wright living room to The Dissolute Household painting, your background can...
Apr 23, 2020 | Inspiring Stories
Here’s a great one from Fortune highlighting twenty five people worldwide who’ve been leading the way in fighting the COVID-19 virus. Of course, there are thousands of people on the front lines, but this is just honoring some who are a little more visible...
Apr 20, 2020 | Inspiring Stories
The good folks at National Post have created a video featuring stories of people playing music out and about in their communities, doctors traveling to hard hit countries and more! Check it out https://youtu.be/DpbYcEkelG4