News and Events

We’re blessed to be asked to share our knowledge on a regular basis. This page is where you can keep up with what’s happening.

As always, we welcome your comments and thoughts.

Six tips to survive a COVID-19 summer with your kids

This is going to be the weirdest summer ever for kids. Probably no day or sleepaway camp, possibly no day care available - what's a family to do? Here are some tips from Erika Coles, clinical director at the FIU Center for Children and Families. We hope you'll find...

Storywriting with the Kids

Though not free, this website has the coolest stories you can create with your kids or grandkids! It's called Once Upon a Pancake and it seems like a lot of fun. Check it out and let us know what you think!

A Salute to Our Healthcare Heroes

The American Hospital Association is compiling stories from the front lines we'd like to share with you. We're doing so to honor these heroes many of whom have gotten sick, have PTSD, and who continue to save lives. Read their stories on the AHA website and join us in...

Natural Soundscapes of Rocky Mountain National Park

Are you missing the outdoors? Our National Parks are treasures and they, too, are victims of the pandemic. Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado has come up with a way for us to get our outdoor fix in the comfort of our living rooms. Experience the sounds of the...