On The Power of Doing Good

Up until very recently, I have seen polarization in society that has been associated with anger, judgment, and distrust. Whereas the response and the selfless efforts of our scientific and healthcare community to the worldwide pandemic have been unprecedented, it has also suffered from unfounded criticism and suspicions of conspiracies. Through my novice blogging, I hope that I will be able to share my love of medicine and the humble honor I have in caring for children.  Through the reflections of my experiences, I will also try to engender a sense of wonder and interest in those who might consider a career in healthcare.

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What Data Science Means to Organizations

In a time when AI is considered the engine that will power the next age of human progress, failure to participate is no longer a viable business option. Companies that wish to digitally transform must understand that embracing the status quo will leave them struggling to keep up with competitors that recognized the opportunity before them.

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